Archaeology and Wellbeing

Archaeology is the study of human activity through the excavation, recovery, and analysis of material culture. However, there is more to archaeology than meets the eye. It’s not just about uncovering stories from the past; it can also shape our present and future. Engaging in archaeological activities, such as digging and studying artefacts, can have a positive impact on mental well-being by giving a sense of purpose and reducing stress. Additionally, preserving cultural heritage through archaeology can provide people with a sense of belonging and emotional stability. For marginalised groups especially, archaeology can help reclaim and affirm cultural histories, contributing to psychological healing and empowerment. Educational programs and workshops can use archaeology to raise awareness about mental health and reduce stigma. There are also specific archaeology programs designed to help veterans or individuals with PTSD. Collaborations between archaeologists, psychologists, and other scholars can create a more comprehensive understanding of the relationship between past human behaviours and mental health. So, as we have gathered, Archaeology indeed has a significant impact on mental health and well-being, but in this blog post let us delve deeper into how archaeology specifically makes people feel and what aspects of it they enjoy. What motivates people to keep coming back to participate in archaeology?

Engaging in archaeology can give people and groups a sense of purpose and accomplishment for several reasons. Firstly, uncovering artefacts, structures, and other remnants of past civilisations helps us understand human history better. This can make participants feel like their efforts are valuable and may lead to important historical discoveries. Additionally, archaeological work often involves finding and preserving physical artefacts. Seeing the actual results of their work, such as an ancient tool or pottery, can feel like a real achievement. Archaeologists and volunteers also have to solve complex puzzles and put pieces together to create a timeline of the past, which needs critical thinking and perseverance, and overcoming these challenges can make individuals and groups feel a sense of accomplishment. Another reason that Archaeology can create a sense of purpose and accomplishment is that archaeological projects often take months or years, allowing participants to set long-term goals and achieve milestones. Completing an excavation season, publishing findings, or opening a museum exhibit based on their work are significant achievements that provide long-lasting satisfaction. Furthermore, archaeologists often share their findings with the community through public outreach and education which can be highly rewarding and remind them of the purpose of their work. Understanding and interpreting historical contexts help people see the connections between past and present, providing a deeper understanding of contemporary issues and a sense of continuity and identity which can contribute to a purposeful life. All in all, many archaeological projects involve collaboration with local communities. This creates a shared sense of purpose and achievement by building relationships, involving community members, and sharing discoveries with them.

There has been a lot of scientific literature which has revealed the positive impact of engaging in archaeology on diverse populations, including those dealing with PTSD, mental illness, disabilities, and elderly individuals facing Alzheimer’s and dementia. Inclusive archaeology involves collaboration between archaeologists, special education experts, associations, volunteers, and researchers specialising in assessing psychological and physical impacts, often partnering with treatment centres. This approach has led to groundbreaking initiatives, such as integrating public archaeology into mental health support programs in Great Britain since 2011, aligning with the NHS Long Term Plan 2019. Recognising the vital role of archaeological participation in promoting well-being, local services beyond clinics, such as programs organised by museums and archaeological sites, have been emphasised.

Especially since the challenges posed by events like the COVID-19 pandemic, the importance of well-being as a significant factor in improving social progress has become increasingly evident. The Heritage Alliance UK annual report of 2020 highlights the crucial role of well-being when referring to societal health, especially during times of crisis. Things like the Breaking Ground Heritage (BGH) project have emerged and been created to address increasing mental health concerns, which has resulted in over 35 Rehabilitation Archaeology programs targeting veterans with PTSD since 2015 and have been in collaboration with top leading universities. These efforts, supported by a psychological approach to well-being assessment, have shown promising outcomes, as evidenced by studies published in well-known journals, illustrating significant improvements in mental health indicators among participants. The many studies that have taken place to explore the impact of archaeology on mental health have been done through surveys, interviews, and participant observations. Although more research is necessary to comprehend the mechanisms that underly these benefits fully, the increasing evidence suggests that archaeology has a positive impact on mental well-being.

As we move forward, there is a growing need for initiatives that effectively combine historical interpretation and archaeological movements with the concerns of modern society. This demand aligns closely with global agendas. These agendas support inclusive and impactful projects that recognise the complexities of our past and actively engage with the present challenges. The call for such movements and initiatives arises from an understanding of the interconnectedness between heritage preservation, societal well-being, and sustainable development goals. This involves developing programs and projects that uncover the stories of our ancestors and use these narratives to address contemporary issues such as mental health, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability. These ideas require a holistic approach, drawing on diverse perspectives and expertise to ensure their relevance and effectiveness across various cultural, social, and economic contexts. In addition, they must be supported by well-thought-through assessment methods and feedback, which will allow for continuous evaluation and improvement based on real-world outcomes and community input. By embracing and using this forward-thinking approach, we can use the power of archaeology and heritage to not only deepen our understanding of the past but also actively shape a more inclusive, resilient, and sustainable future for generations to come. In doing so, we honour the legacies of those who came before us and pave the way for a more equitable and prosperous society for all.


Author: Freya Slape

A Tale of Imprisonment in Bristol Castle

Power struggles, betrayal, rivalry, prison. Sounds like politics in the 21st century, right? In fact, I am describing the Anarchy Period in 1139! The Anarchy took the country by surprise and lasted for 15 years. The country was torn apart by this war of succession. Let’s explore the chaos leading to and following the imprisonment of King Stephen in Bristol Castle… [61]

Background on Bristol Castle

In the heart of the city, this motte and bailey castle is rich with history. It was located in what is now Castle Park. Built in the 11th century, it was made of stone imported from Normandy, creating incredibly thick walls. Surrounding it, the Rivers Avon and Frome created a moat. As it was in a strategic position, there were continuous alterations made to ensure that it would serve various purposes, from being a defensive stronghold to a royal treasury. Though it was originally built in a Norman style, it later evolved into stronger and advanced stone keep. Different rulers added elements to the Castle, ensuring that it would remain a secure spot. This included defensive walls, towers and annexes.

By the end of the English Civil War in the 17th century, the castle was destroyed. It had served so many functions and was a symbol of command over one of the wealthiest towns in the country at the time of its construction.

Historical Background

First, let’s explore why this all happened in the first place. Henry I ruled the kingdom in the early to mid-11th century. There was no question about who was to succeed him. Though he had many illegitimate children, he had one legitimate son – William Adelin. Tragically, William Adelin dies in a shipwreck. This was labelled the White Ship Disaster of 1120. Now who would succeed Henry I? None other than Henry’s only other legitimate child, his daughter Matilda.

After Henry I’s death in 1135, Matilda became ruler. This caused widespread confusion because there was no clarity on women becoming rulers. To add to this, Matilda’s husband was not trusted by her own father and other noblemen. This meant that they started looking for other options to replace her. The obvious choice for many was Henry I’s nephew, Stephen of Blois. He was good in battle, well-connected and wealthy. More importantly, for some, he was a man. This led to Stephen replacing Matilda.

The problems that ensued were the start of the Anarchy Period. Those who supported him had no clue that Stephen was actually a weak leader. Many of them saw this as a positive and took advantage of this for their own benefit. This included barons becoming authoritarian and building more castles.

The chaos peaked when Matilda and her allies decided to invade England in 1139. This was an attempt to regain power. Matilda managed to control the south-west of England, including Bristol while Stephen attempted to defend the south-east. Next, came Stephen’s imprisonment in Bristol Castle.

I’m a King, Get Me Out of Here!

During the Battle of Lincoln in 1141, Stephen’s forces were defeated. He was then captured and held in Bristol Castle. One partial cause of this loss was that the earls that Stephen had carelessly appointed began to turn on him. In fact, the battle had begun with the Earl of Chester siding with Matilda and attempting to take over Lincoln Castle.

Bristol Castle was under the control of Matilda’s half-brother, Robert of Gloucester. Though an illegitimate child of Henry I and never considered for the throne, he was a loyal ally to Matilda. The castle, as mentioned before, was essentially a stronghold with well-built defenses. Stephen lost a lot of support during this period, as it seemed unlikely that he would be able to resume his reign.


As he was imprisoned, Matilda was free to take the throne from Stephen. However, she is unsuccessful in gaining support in the lead up to her coronation. This leads to her expulsion from London.

In a turn of events, Robert of Gloucester is captured during Stephen’s imprisonment. Now powerless, Robert became part of a plan to help Stephen out of Bristol Castle. Then comes a deal: Stephen is exchanged for Robert.

Stephen returns to his throne and attempts to evict Matilda and her forces from their base in Westminster. Stephen then has a run of attacks on Matilda’s new location in Oxford, including surprise attacks which lead to the opposing troops to withdraw to the castle. Matilda, however, sneaks out of the castle and returns to Normandy. In 1147, Robert of Gloucester dies. This further motivates Matilda to return to Normandy as Robert was one of her main supporters.

Following these events, we see more battles and sieges. Matilda sends her son to continue her battle, whilst Stephen appoints his son as heir. The long-lasting chaos comes to an end in 1153 with both sides agreeing to peace after the death of Stephen’s son. Matilda’s son is then crowned as king after Stephen’s death leading to the end of the Anarchy period with Matilda’s eventual success.


King Stephen’s imprisonment in Bristol Castle was a key part of the Anarchy period. Through the various battles and sieges, we can see the different levels of support and motivation for each of the ‘wannabe’ monarchs. Power struggle characterised the 11th century, and we can see how the victory was a tough success. Matilda tried her best to assume the throne but was set back by the opinions of the court and general public. Stephen was supported from the start but turned out to be a weak leader. Amidst the chaos, we can see Bristol Castle as a formidable structure that was utilised by both sides in an attempt to succeed.

Author: Divya Rajesh


Brain, J (n.d.) ‘King Stephen and The Anarchy,’ in Historic UK, Historic UK, website:

Brief History (2021) ‘A Brief History of Stephen of Blois – King Stephen of England,’, YouTube,

Bristol City Council (n.d.) ‘Bristol Castle,’ Bristol City Council: Museum Collections, website:

Dillon, L (2023) ‘Anarchy in the UK: Stephen and Matilda’s War for the Throne,’ Historic Mysteries, website: Anarchy in the UK: Stephen and Matilda’s War for the Throne – Historic Mysteries

Encyclopaedia Britannica (2024) ‘Stephen,’ Encyclopaedia Britannica, website:

Historic England (2023) ‘Official list entry: Partial remains of Bristol Castle,’ Historic England, website:

Johnson, B (n.d.) ‘Empress Maud,’ Historic UK, Historic UK, website:

Page, R (2021) ‘Empress Matilda and ‘The Anarchy’,’ The Historic England Blog, Historic England, website:

Reading Museum (2020) ‘Death and Anarchy: the White Ship Disaster,’ Reading Abbey, website:


Royal Forests in the South-West of England

The forests of southwest England in medieval times were rich in plants and animals and an important part of the area’s culture. Medieval forests in southwest England, particularly Exmoor, Dartmoor, and the New Forest were large areas of land that the king mainly used for hunting, and they played a big role in the social and economic life of the regions. The idea of royal forests was started by the Normans in the 11th century, and its peak was in the late 12th and early 13th centuries, with about one-third of the land in Southern England being royal forests. These places were carefully looked after in order to protect animals and the places they lived which enabled the King to have satisfactory hunting grounds. There were many strict Forest Laws to keep the land safe for hunting, and people could be severely punished for causing any problems. Hunting in medieval times was both practical and showed a person’s high status and power. The main methods were hunting on horseback with help from dogs, using bows and arrows, and the noble practice of falconry, where trained falcons or hawks caught birds. These forests and their laws greatly impacted the land and cultural customs of medieval England, and still affect how the area is today. In this blog post, royal forests of south-west England, specifically, Exmoor, Dartmoor, and the New Forest will be explored and discussed and the archaeological work that has been done in each of them will be touched on as well.

Exmoor forest, which spreads across parts of Somerset and Devon, was a significant medieval forest known for its diverse terrain, including wooded valleys, heathlands, and moorlands. The forest law imposed restrictions on hunting and the use of forest resources, which were reserved for the crown and its nobles. The local economy and lifestyle were deeply intertwined with the forest. While the king and nobles enjoyed hunting rights, commoners had limited rights such as pannage, grazing livestock, and collecting firewood. These rights were crucial for the survival of local communities, providing essential resources like food and fuel. However, the stringent forest laws often led to conflicts between the crown and local inhabitants, who needed to navigate these restrictions carefully to maintain their livelihoods.

Dartmoor Forest, located in Devon, was another significant medieval forest, characterised by its vast open moorlands and scattered wooded areas. Its landscape with granite tors, deep river valleys, and upland heaths, was both a resource and a challenge for medieval communities. The forest laws in Dartmoor regulated the use of woodlands and the hunting of game. Timber from Dartmoor’s forests was a valuable resource for building and heating, and managing these woodlands sustainably was crucial. In addition to timber, Dartmoor’s forests provided grazing grounds for sheep and cattle, which were integral to the local economy. The practice of transhumance, the movement of livestock between summer and winter pastures, was common which was one of the ways that contributed to effectively utilising the resources of the moorland. The harsh and rugged terrain of Dartmoor also contributed to its cultural significance. The forest was steeped in folklore and legend, with tales of ghosts, spirits, and mythical creatures. These stories added to the mystique of Dartmoor and reflected the close relationship between the people and their environment.

The New Forest, even though it’s slightly east of the southwest region, was an influential medieval forest established by William the Conqueror in 1079 as a royal hunting ground. Covering parts of Hampshire, the New Forest’s creation involved the displacement of local communities and the imposition of strict forest laws. Unlike the open landscapes of Exmoor and Dartmoor, the New Forest was characterised by dense woodlands, heathlands, and wetlands. These varied habitats supported a rich biodiversity and provided resources such as timber, which was vital for shipbuilding, and common land for grazing livestock. The forest laws enforced in the New Forest were particularly strict, protecting the deer and boar for royal hunts while allowing commoners specific rights to gather firewood, graze animals, and cut turf for fuel. The social dynamics in the New Forest were shaped by the tension between royal privileges and common rights. Over time, these tensions led to legal reforms and the establishment of common practices that balanced the needs of local communities with forest conservation.

Archaeological work in the medieval forests of southwest England, specifically in Exmoor, Dartmoor, and the New Forest, has uncovered significant findings that have contributed greatly to the understanding of their historical usage and habitation. In Dartmoor, extensive archaeological surveys and excavations have revealed Bronze Age settlements, medieval farmsteads, and remnants of ancient tin mining activities. The discovery of stone rows, hut circles, and burial cairns highlights the area’s long history of human activity. Similarly, in Exmoor, archaeological efforts have identified Iron Age hill forts, medieval hunting lodges, and remnants of ancient woodland management practices, providing a deeper understanding of the landscape’s evolution over the centuries. The New Forest has also seen archaeological investigations, notably uncovering Roman roads, medieval pottery, and the remains of old hunting lodges, reflecting its long-standing significance as a managed landscape. These archaeological findings not only highlight the historical uses of these forests but also help preserve their rich cultural heritage for future generations.

In conclusion, the medieval forests in southwest England have had a lasting impact on the region’s landscape and culture. Today, Exmoor and Dartmoor are protected as national parks, preserving their unique ecosystems and historical significance. The New Forest remains a significant natural and cultural heritage site, managed to balance conservation with traditional communal practices. These forests are known for their biodiversity, beautiful scenery, and historical importance. They provide insights into medieval land management, social structures, and the complex relationship between humans and their environment. The legends and folklore associated with these forests continue to capture imaginations, highlighting the deep cultural roots and enduring mystique of these ancient landscapes. Overall, the medieval forests in southwest England, particularly Exmoor, Dartmoor, and the New Forest, were crucial to the region’s history and ecology. Their management and use reflect the complexities of medieval society, where royal prerogatives and common rights coexisted and often clashed, shaping the landscape and the lives of the people who depended on it.

Author: Frey Slape

Lab Week!

From Monday 3rd June to Wednesday 6th June, five second year students had the pleasure of working in the departments archaeological chemistry labs doing total lipid extraction with PHD researcher Elena, on pottery sherds found on site at Lower Hazel. This process utilized acidified methanol to extract and isolate the lipids, facilitating analysis. The students began by selecting their pottery sherds and preparing them for analysis by chipping off a small section and crushing it up with a pestle and mortar. For this method of pottery analysis, only 1-2g of sample was required, meaning that we could still retain the majority of the pottery sherds for potential further analysis in the future.

Once the pottery had been crushed to a fine powder and decanted into a culture tube, the chemical process could begin. The first extraction used acidified methanol which was added to our pottery sherd sample, before being heated for one hour at 70 degrees Celsius. They then used hexane to extract the lipids from this solution. This groundbreaking protocol was in fact developed here at Bristol University, which remains one of the leading research facilities for this strand of pottery analysis!

Day three consisted of analysing the data to discover whether there were any lipids hiding inside the matrix of the pot and subsequently quantify these. This was done using Gas Chromatography, utilising a high-tech piece of equipment which takes a minute amount of the samples, heats them in a very thin metal tube, and then separates the molecules based on boiling point. This process takes 18 minutes, with the hexane being the first thing to burn off, leaving just the lipids, which are grouped by carbon chain length. These carbon chains ranged from C14 to C22, with some larger molecules such as glycerols and triglycerols being identified as well. These results signify that the pottery found on the site was being used for storing animal proteins (this could be meats or dairy products), as well as indicating the presence of fatty acids. More analysis of this initial data is needed to find out more about the specifics of this data, for example to discover whether the animal products being stored were meat or dairy, and in the case of meat, finding out what animal group was being consumed. Hopefully this further analysis will be complete soon – stay tuned for updates!

This opportunity for lab work hasn’t been available before, and so our second years were the first the trial it. All of the students universally agreed that this experience was a really enjoyable and valuable, with Nicholas describing it as ‘bloody good’! Working in the lab was a fantastic opportunity to get away from the dig site to explore the different aspects of archaeology that happen behind the scenes, giving a completely different perspective on the Lower Hazel site. Hopefully it will be available for students next year!
Special thanks to Elena and Helen for making this experience possible and sharing your knowledge and expertise. In the words of Nicholas, you both ‘went beyond your remit and it’s greatly appreciated!’

Down Under: Archaeology in Sydney

Located in central Sydney, opposite the beautiful Hyde Park, the Australian Museum is a great place to visit when in one of Australia’s vibrant cities. I have been lucky enough to study abroad in Sydney, so in this blog, I will lead you through the layout and key exhibits in the Australian Museum and explore some differences in archaeology between Australia and Britain.

Exterior of the Australian Museum. Photo credit: Divya Rajesh


The museum itself is a grand structure, with sandstone walls and various decorative elements in a neo-classical style. There are 7 floors, one of which is a basement with a theatre and one is a group entrance. The rest – Levels 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 – are filled with exhibits. Let’s explore them…

As we entered through the glass walkway, we were faced with the reception desk and the giftshop opposite. The ground floor has multiple stairways, one of which leads to the Westpac Long Gallery which spans the 1st and 2nd level. This is a showcase of a variety of artefacts, including native species of birds, Egyptian mummies and tomb artefacts and Aboriginal stories. Aptly named the ‘200 Treasures’ exhibit, this section is definitely a crowd pleaser, especially for indecisive groups!

Mineral collection, Mineral Gallery. Photo credit: Divya Rajesh

On the 1st floor, we also see the Minerals Gallery. Here, you can marvel at the stunning rocks and minerals from around the world. It was incredible to see the range of specimens and many of the descriptions included details of how and where they were found, how fragile or strong they are and what they are used for. Here, we also discovered minerals native to Australia. I also managed to find some that I had seen in Bristol Museum!

On the 2nd floor, we explored the Surviving Australia exhibit, the Dinosaur Gallery and the Burra learning space (more on these later). These sections were particularly popular with families. There was also a café on this floor.

Mineral collection, Mineral Gallery. Photo credit: Divya Rajesh

Overall, the layout of the museum allowed easy transition between the sections. There were ramps to connect the rooms, which allowed access by wheelchairs and prams.

Key exhibits

Some key exhibitions that I found particularly interesting were on the 2nd floor. First, Surviving Australia, an exhibit on various creatures in Australia. What I found interesting was that it was essentially myth busting. I found out that many of the Australian creepy crawlies I was scared of were actually harmless and incredibly rare! There was also a display on megafauna, the large animals that lived during the Pleistocene period. The museum contains some fossils and even skeletal remains of these creatures.

Another important section was the Burra learning space. This was a space for children to explore First Nations values and knowledge. Sensory interaction was a key part, where kids could listen to Aboriginal people explain the importance of Country and interacting with creatures. Learn about what Country is here.

Dinosaur skeleton, Dinosaur Gallery. Photo Credit: Divya Rajesh

The dinosaur exhibit was, for me, the most exciting. As you can see in the image on the left, there were plenty of dinosaur skeletons to explore. At the back of the room, there was an exhibit on modern research into the biology of the Tyrannosaurus Rex. This also included researchers attempting surgery on a scale model!


Archaeology in Australia

I have been able to explore the similarities and differences in archaeology in both Britian and Australia (specifically Sydney) through my studies in university and through networking events. One key aspect of archaeology in Australia is the consideration for         Indigenous culture. Aboriginal traditions and knowledge of the land are incredibly important and should be honoured respectfully and with understanding. I was able to attend a few networking events where I could speak to industry professionals. Here, I understood the importance of heritage conservation. This has growing importance as some legislation is being passed with less consideration for preserving. Alongside this, my class studies have helped me to understand the impacts of archaeological projects on the environment and how this affects Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

Sydney is a growing city and archaeology is a key part of construction, in new buildings and apartments, for example. Heritage consultants will be called to assess the sites, so they should be able to identify the traditions of the Aboriginal communities, include them in decision making and assess the impact of the project on Aboriginal land. This does slightly contrast to archaeology in northern Queensland, which is less urban orientated and more focused on prehistoric archaeology. In the events I attended, the heritage professionals explained that the inclusion of Aboriginal voices are important to ensure minimal impact and hopefully no destruction to historic sites. Some of the projects they have worked on include the excavations at Central Station, the Parramatta Light Rail route and other construction projects around the city.

Whilst some of these skills are not directly transferrable to British archaeology, they are translatable. Collaboration with communities and understanding the importance of personal traditions are key to effective projects. British archaeology seems to be more academic and based in material culture. This is not a bad thing, but perhaps we can incorporate some community-based work in terms of more outreach and education projects. In addition to this, we can also place more importance in oral histories. These can help us understand the personal levels to the rich history around us.


Overall, I have found my experience as a student abroad to be incredibly useful in understanding archaeology in a new context. To add to this, I have been able to engage with heritage professionals of companies such as GML Heritage, Extent Heritage and Regal Heritage, which has allowed me to understand the industry in Australia. The Australian Museum has been a key part being able to explore Aboriginal artefacts, as well as the traditions and values behind them. This has deepened my awareness of cultural diversity in Sydney.

Whether you are a tourist, dinosaur fanatic or simply curious about the history of the city, I would highly recommend the Australian Museum as a must-visit spot for all ages!



Australian Museum (n.d.) Australian Museum, website:

Extent Heritage (n.d.) Extent Heritage, website:

GML Heritage (n.d.) GML Heritage, website:

Regal Heritage (n.d.) Regal Heritage, website:


Author: Divya Rajesh (2nd Year Arch&Anth student on Semester Abroad)

The ‘Do’s’ and ‘Can’t’s of Local Plants

Today, two students went on an excursion around the site and surrounding areas to explore the foliage and nature associated with the Lower Hazel site. The goal being to gain insight into the extent of edible plants and naturally occurring useful resources that would likely have been present at the time of historic activity on the site.

The first and most abundant plant that was noticed was the multitude of wild garlic, also known as Ramsons. This not only proves to be an aesthetically pleasing plant, covering much of the surrounding ground, but also exudes a unique and interesting aroma that fills the site. The leaves of this plant can be used as nutritious vegetable that adds much flavor along with the milder bulbs. This could have been used in the site to add sustenance to food. Perhaps important to add is the fact that this plant is venomous to most pests, which allows for such healthy and extensive growth. John, the site owner advised us to leave a figwort plant to grow, in one of the trenches. The presence of this plant suggests that it is common in the area. The young leaves can be consumed fresh, and can also be boiled to make a herbal tea with many medicinal benefits. However it is speculated whether this plant was used in this manner during the 9th-12th centuries.

Standing tall amongst the rest of the plants is the elder tree, looking down upon the trowlers below, better known for its properties of producing elder flower; a popular drink, its sweet taste makes it a popular choice amongst those of us whom have an appetite for drinking the sweet sweet ambrosia of the gods, giving our short mortal lives a taste of something awe inspiring.

A less imposing plant that can be found around the dig site is the Dandelion, meaning lions teeth in Latin, though looking unassuming this name perhaps gives a better interpretation into the plant which is even known for growing through concrete. Though perhaps you would know this plant better as the common garden flower the dandelion. All of this plant is edible up from the flower right down to the roots, down to the roots. However due to its bitter taste it can be preferable to drink it instead as tea.

For those of us whom have spent time taking out the yearly accumulation of dirt from between the stone walls, perhaps for a mere 5 seconds to take a photo encapsulating the image in time for all eternity, will have come across the serenely white bulb, a refreshing change of color amongst the dirt, dirty stone and dirty moss in which we spend all day staring at. These bulbs do not only add a refreshing change of color but also taste brilliant, they are a species of onion and can be fried.  However with these innocent plants you should also verge on a side of caution, for unassuming consumers. Bluebells can also be found amongst the foliage, the bulbs of these however, though very similar, are very dangerous. Luckily they can be told apart by the smell.

Many may have painful memories of the next one, remembering more youthful days of snotty noses running to their parents crying, feeling the bitter regret of wearing shorts as they show the white bumps which have appeared on your leg. Luckily however the common remedy of dock leaves are often found near by the stinging nettle, unluckily however this plant provides little more than placebo for the bitter sting. Though these plants may be more painful than most they are in fact completely edible. And have been enjoyed in stinging nettle soup or tea. There are however differences between the male and female seeds of the nettle. The seeds can be picked off the nettle and eaten should the season allow for those pioneers who are brave enough to forefront the bitter memories of childhood stings, only the truly adventurous who have a natural curiosity in consuming those in which surround them will succeed here. Female seeds are far bigger and often less droopy than their male counterparts, often making them preferable when deciding between choice of consumption. Perhaps we can all draw something from these nettles, though perhaps they are just nettles.

But at this point I know what you are thinking. In my vast array of plants mentioned so far, I have not told you nearly enough for a salad, well, have no fear reader I have got you covered. In addition to newly grown figwort leaves and dandelion leaves I shall give you a third leaf to make your salad complete. The garlic mustard leaf which can be commonly found around the lower Hazel site, can be an excellent addition to your garden salad. These leaves are very edible.


By Theo and Ivo (2nd Year Undergraduates)

Trowels and Tales: Conversations from HARP 2024

Here at Hartygrove, we are kicking off this year’s dig at full force! Despite the torrential rain on Wednesday, spirits are high and some interesting finds are starting to emerge. Our student archaeologists, as well as some volunteers, have been de-weeding and are beginning to dig deeper into the ruins of the Norman hunting lodge. Whilst everyone was hard at work, the social media team decided to interview some of our resident archaeologists to learn more about both them and the site.


Dr Helen Fewlass – Lecturer

What initially got you into archaeology?

I did my undergraduate degree at Bristol in Archaeological and Anthropological Science, which involved collaboration between the Arch and Anth, Chemistry, and Earth Science departments. I was always interested in palaeoanthropology, but learning about the scientific parts of archaeology such as isotopes and artefact dating was also really interesting.


What is your specific area of interest?

I am a radiocarbon and proteomics specialist, which involves working with ancient proteins from bones, pottery, teeth, etc. Different methods are useful for different things, ranging from species identification to radiocarbon dating from collagen. I am involved in research using these methods to learn more about the arrival of Homo Sapiens in Europe, and the overlap they had with Neanderthals.


What is the coolest artefact you’ve ever found?

During my PhD, I got to do research on a Bulgarian cave site. The sequencing and stratigraphy was very cool, dating to the mid to upper palaeolithic and encompassing human remains from both late Neanderthals and the earliest Homo Sapiens ever discovered in Europe. This was obviously a hugely significant discovery which pushed back the date of the arrival of the first Homo Sapiens in Europe by thousands of years.


Funniest story from an archaeological dig?

Modern contamination is a big issue when radiocarbon dating aDNA because it can impact the accuracy of the dating. I had to tell archaeologists to stop licking bones on site because it was contaminating the samples!


What are you looking forward to on this dig?

I mainly work in the lab doing processing and data collection rather than on site digging things up, so it’s nice being in a trench instead. It really makes you remember the effort that goes into the excavation of artefacts.


Any tips for people wanting to get into archaeology?

My main tip is to just get as much experience as possible- either in the lab or on site.



Aaron Girdlestone – MPhil Student and Hartygrove Connoisseur

What initially got you into archaeology?

I grew up watching Time Team and visiting historical sites like castles with my grandparents. Later on I volunteered at Thornbury museum where I met Roger, and from there started digging.


What is your specific area of interest?

I am specifically interested in the Romano-British period, especially the ways in which the different cultures worked together and settled within Britain. I am a pottery specialist and am really interested in the pottery of this site, which we have found a lot of already.


What is the coolest artefact you’ve ever found?

When I was digging in a Roman town in Italy, I found a piece of Roman tile which had holes in it which I recognized  as the imprint of a hobnail boot from my reenactments. However, it was unusually small, and we identified it as being a child’s. A Roman tile itself is interesting, but the human impact makes it fascinating to me. I much prefer finds like this to gold or silver!


Funniest story from an archaeological dig?

I was digging in a Roman town near Peterborough where rabbits were burrowing all around. We used this as a reason to check no archaeology was damaged! One day I was standing with my colleague and turned to point at something but when I turned back he had completely disappeared- it turned out he fell straight through a rabbit burrow he was standing over!


What are you looking forward to on this dig?

This year I am really looking forward to answering the questions about the earlier parts of the site and discovering the things that may have been here before the main part of the site. It would be great to identify more of the burnt remains of the original building and identify why and when there was a fire.


Any tips for people wanting to get into archaeology?

Absolutely do what you are passionate about. If you have a passion for archaeology, go for it! I recommend volunteering before you start an archaeology course at university to get experience in the field. It is a great way to apply the theoretical knowledge from university to something you’ve already done.


Nick Fitzgerald – PhD Student

What initially got you into archaeology?

I’ve been into the past for ages and ages which sparked an initial interest. I have a degree in ancient history, but whilst studying it I became more interested in looking at material remains and doing more practical things.


What is your specific area of interest?

My special interest is prehistory, specifically the Neolithic and Bronze Age. I study burnt mounds from fire-cracked rocks occurring in bogs. They don’t sound interesting but are super helpful and interesting as they have the potential to tell us a lot about what is happening in the time period.


What is the coolest artefact you’ve ever found?                                                                     

When working at Skomer Island off the coast of Pembrokeshire, I found a flint scraper. There was only one other stone tool found on that island, which pushes the time period for occupation back significantly.


Funniest story from an archaeological dig?

Skomer Island is an active seabird colony, with lots of burrows from puffins and shearwaters. We didn’t get much done that dig – I had to drag my survey partner away from the puffins because she got so invested in them! We’ve also had loads of toads in the walls here at Lower Hazel.


What are you looking forward to on this dig?

This dig is a great opportunity to get outside and do fieldwork. Lots of archaeology doesn’t happen outside. I do a lot of work with GIS and also in the lab analysing pottery residue, so it is nice to be out and about digging again.


Any tips for people wanting to get into archaeology?

Everything is relevant. I used to work in a brewery, and the basic chemistry used there is relevant in archaeological lab work!


So whilst we here at Hartygrove continue praying for sunnier weather next week, we hope you find inspiration in these stories and advice from our experts!

Love Hannah, Ysi and Priya

Painting Whilst Pondering Snails

As part of the South West Anarchy Research Project, we are investigating modern forms of resistance and future heritage preservation in Bristol. In relation to this, we have been working with the Peoples Republic of Stokes Croft who recently held a mural painting event which was attended by some of our UoB Student Volunteer Team! Here is an account from one of our lovely students.

‘On Sunday 29th October I partook in the painting of a large mural in St. Werburgh’s, on the side of the M32 going into Bristol. When I arrived, I noticed the warm atmosphere, as volunteers greeted and helped one another, working together to promote the cause of the Bristol Fair Renting Campaign. Their kindness and egalitarian approach stand in stark contrast to what they fight against: the merciless rental system. I enjoyed my time on this clear skied day, the work was physically demanding but felt meditative, soothing, and important.

As I painted, I noticed there were clusters of snails that had congregated in the cracks and crevices of the mural wall. Nestled into these humble territories they were out of way of human beings… or so they thought. This was clearly a hot destination for the snails, and it appeared they had been there for a while. Furthermore, there were at least 10 in each corner, a clear occupation. Yet, I picked them off and relocated them to a less hospitable spot on the ground. Some I left in position and painted around, but my action had still altered their communities irreversibly.

As I continued to paint, I became preoccupied by these snails; by the power I held over them and the consideration of whether to paint around them, and sacrifice the quality of my painting, or to displace them from their homes. Snails are constantly being stomped on by human beings. They are repeatedly being chucked off their homes, having their natural habitats destroyed, and having their last means of refuge: their shells, broken by us. To snails, these recurrent waves of destruction must be an unavoidable feature of their lives in the Anthropocene. Lightning strikes from the powers above them. I thought that this was an apt analogy for how it feels to be a private renter.

The Bristol Fair Renting Campaign manifesto shares different accounts of the experiences of renters in Bristol. What permeates all these accounts is an overwhelming feeling of powerlessness in the face of landlords and renting agencies. Since 2011, rent prices in Bristol have increased by 52% (Bristol Fair Renting Campaign, 2021). Most young people in Bristol know how dire the situation is. We all know people who have been treated in shocking and illegal ways. We all live in unsatisfactory conditions with poorly maintained houses and persistent damp and mould. We all pay far too much to live in these conditions. This alone constitutes shocking mistreatment of people. However, the inability to change these circumstances is what renders renting in Bristol truly bleak. When rooms are falling apart, when essential appliances break, when conditions pose health risks for occupants, there is no assurance that the problems will be fixed. In many cases, emails are ignored for months and in most cases, problems are never addressed. In my rental, we can see where the patches of mould on the walls were previously painted over. The landlord refuses to fix the root cause, only superficially fixing the problem. Nonetheless, ours and many other property’s rents will go up in price next year as we are forced to pay increasingly steep prices for terrible housing.

Thinking back to the snails, if we were to consider the drastic influence our actions have on their lives, then perhaps we would alter our behavior to be kinder and more considerate. Bristol Fair Renting campaign are calling for this change in attitude; for landlords and agencies to stop stomping on private renters. They demand stricter regulations on landlords and a rent cap to secure safe and affordable housing for private renters in Bristol. Their striking mural is visible from the M32 as you enter Bristol, sending a clear message that the people of Bristol are coming together to resist cruel rental system in the city.’ – Matilda Wright, University of Bristol.


News: King Stephen Medieval Coin Hoard

The period now known to us as the Anarchy (1135-1153) is interesting in terms of coinage – as people were constantly switching allegiances from Stephen to Matilda and Matilda to Stephen, there is evidence of both sides minting coins throughout England.

A recent discovery of a coin purse near Wymondham in Norfolk containing two coins dating to Henry II and III’s reigns, and ‘two pennies, three cut halfpennies and two cut quarters of pennies from Stephen’s reign’.

To read the full article on the BBC News, see link below:

King Stephen medieval penny hoard found near Wymondham – BBC News

BGAS 2023 Symposium!

On Saturday, the South West Anarchy Research project was lucky enough to attend the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society’s annual symposium, generously hosted by MShed in Bristol! The theme of this years talks were ‘Community Archaeology’.

The day began at 10:00am (earlier for us as we had a stall to set up!) with the arrival of lots of wonderful BGAS members, and the morning session was introduced and chaired by Graham Barton, the Hon. Secretary for BGAS. Between 10:40am and 13:00pm, we were able to listen to 4 wonderful talks – interspliced with tea and biscuits of course!

The first talk by Timothy Darvill of Bournemouth University gave us an insight into recent excavations at the Sisters Long Barrow in Gloucestershire, followed by an update on the work being undertaken by GlosArch on Cleve Common, given by Phil Cox, GlosArch’s secretary.

After a quick coffee and hobnob, we were treated to a talk by Neil Holdbrook, Chief Executive of Cotswold Archaeology, on recent excavations of an incredible Roman tile kiln in Minety. This was followed by the final talk of the morning session, by Kurt Adams, the Finds Liason Officer for Gloucestershire and Avon. Kurt gave us an insight into the discovery and excavation of three coin hoards from Wickwar.

After questions and a lovely lunch at MShed’s cafe, the afternoon session began, with talks from Martin Papworth of the National Trust, on Chedworth Roman Villa mosaics, Tony Roberts, the director of Archaeoscan on new sites in Gloucestershire revealed by Public Access Archaeology and, of course, more tea and biscuits!

After this short break, SWARP’s own Dr. Stuart Prior gave a talk on the project – covering our excavations at Hartygrove, and in Royal Fort Gardens, and how the community have been and will continue to be integral!

As the theme was Archaeology in the Community, we were there to tell people about SWARP – it was a pleasure to be there with some of our finds, and information about us, and we had lots of wonderful people sign up to volunteer with us in the near future!

A huge thank you to BGAS, and MShed, we had a blast!